Tuesday, 24 January 2012

DAstronomer is the first real-time space simulation program of its kind

3DAstronomer is the first real-time space simulation program of its kind.  What are 3DAstronomer users saying about the program?  Here are just a few comments:


"It is simply by far the easiest (and most pleasing way) to learn about the universe."


"I can think of no better way to learn about the Solar System and all of its planets and moons."


"This program is for people who are interested in space and astronomy and want to be able to visit thing in 3D and see what the reality out there is, even if they can't yet go there themselves."


"3DAstronomer provides a fun exploration of our universe, and provides understanding of physics and the creation of fictional systems."


"The ability to freely explore the universe is a big part of the 3DAstronomer's appeal for me."


"3DAstronomer is so wonderful because it can take anyone, anywhere, into space… and show you its wonders with awesome clarity and visual beauty…"


Get Your 3DAstronomer Copy



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