Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Will Eating Fat Make You Fat?

It's been a popular misconception for a long time now that ingesting fat will MAKE you fat. Unfortunately, this is not true and anyone subscribing to this theory is doing themselves a huge disservice.

Did you know that if you starve your body of fats, it will start to hang on to fat even harder, which makes it even harder for you to lose the fat on your body. Don't kid yourself. Dietary fat is not the same as body fat. Nowhere even close.

So, stop being freaked out about eating foods that contain fat, and start eating in a way that will not only help you with your fat loss goals but will make you a healthier person overall.

That being said there is a huge difference between the types of dietary fat you can choose to consume. Some types of fat are very harmful while others are highly beneficial.

The trick is to avoid hydrogenated oils and trans fats at all costs. The best rule of thumb is to avoid anything that's 'processed' and try to stick with oils and fats that are as close to their natural state as possible.

Here's some great foods that contain 'healthy fats' that you can (and should) incorporate into your diet.


Avocados are full of oleic acid (a monounsaturated fat) which can help lower cholesterol. They are also high in potassium and countless other vitamins and minerals. They should be on the top of your eating list. Add them to salads or smear the pulp on toast for a tasty treat.


Raw nuts are also a great source of healthy fats, as well as many vitamins and minerals. Don't make the mistake of buying the salted and roasted kind. Usually they've been roasted in some kind of unhealthy oil, but another important detail is that just the act of cooking the nuts destroys some of the healthy properties otherwise found in raw nuts. Keep them raw for full health benefits and to keep the healthy fats intact. Some delicious healthy nuts are almonds, peanuts, cashews and walnuts. Toss them in salads or snack on them alone or with fruits and vegetables.


Similar to nuts, these are also chock full of healthy fats. Again, skip the roasted and salted kind and eat them raw for the full health benefits. They're great on salads, or even mixed in with your favorite yogurt to give it a little extra crunch. Some fantastic seeds to incorporate into your diet are sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Flax seeds are also great but tend to travel through your body undigested unless crushed or ground before eating. But, flax seed oil is a fantastic source of healthy fat. You can buy flax seed oil at almost any store these days, but one word of caution: it is very unstable and can go rancid fast unless refrigerated. ONLY buy it from a store that keeps it in a refrigeration unit and get it home and into your own refrigerator immediately to avoid spoilage.


Salmon is absolutely full of omega 3 fish oil, which has been proven wildly beneficial to health as well as fat loss diet programs. Make sure you're getting enough salmon. Do yourself an even bigger favor and try to eat wild salmon as opposed to the farmed stuff whenever possible. The wild salmon tend to have higher levels of omega 3 and other excellent nutrients. If you aren't a fan of seafood, pick up some krill oil capsules in your local health food store. You'll get the same great benefits from consuming your fish oil this way.

Other Seafood

Tuna is also a great source of healthy fats, but beware to eat only in moderation due to mercury levels found in tuna. Once a week is plenty. Shrimp, prawns and other shellfish are also full of healthy fats but tend to be higher in cholesterol. However, there is good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL) and unless you've been diagnosed with dangerously high cholesterol, I wouldn't worry too much about the cholesterol in shellfish.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has long been given a bad rap as being high in saturated fat. However, not all saturated fat is created equal and coconut oil is one of the most healthy good fats you can ingest. Coconut oil also happens to be a very stable oil, which makes it ideal for cooking. So, don't be afraid of coconut oil anymore. Turns out it's good for you.

Keep in mind as you incorporate these foods into your diet, that fat is more calorie dense than carbohydrates and protein so while you SHOULD be eating them, moderation is key so you don't accidentally sabotage your weight loss efforts by over-indulging. Keep an eye on that caloric intake and keep it in check while adding these delicious foods into your dietary mix.





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Wimp Out In The Gym And Your Gains Will Be Gone In 60 Seconds

The margin of time that determines muscle building success or failure in the gym is a heck of a lot shorter than you might think.

Just as fraction-of-a-second moments during a 100 metre dash will make or break a sprinter's race, fraction-of-a-second moments will also make or break your body's muscle growth response in the gym.

In fact, your entire margin of success in the gym can ultimately be reduced to just a short time span of 60 seconds. That's correct, how you choose to handle a short 60 second time period during your workouts will translate to either poor, mediocre or significant muscle building results.

Although each entire workout will last for about an hour, only 60 seconds of that actual time will determine what kind of gains you achieve.

You may be scratching your head right now and wondering what the heck I'm talking about, but allow me to explain…

You see, every individual set that you perform in the gym is ultimately being performed for the benefits that will be achieved on the last 1-2 reps.

Muscles respond to stress, and the only truly stressful reps that actually trigger your body's muscle building mechanisms are those at the end of each set when the body is on the brink of muscular failure.

If a given set consists of 6 reps, then reps 1-4 are only performed in order to get to reps 5 and 6. Reps 1-4 will do very little in terms of stimulating muscular growth, but are necessary to perform in order to overload the muscles on reps 5 and 6.

In other words, it is only the very last 1-2 reps that will ultimately yield a muscle building response from the body. The longer you can push yourself to battle the weights during this small time frame at the end of each set, the greater results you will achieve.

Any of you who have read my articles know that I'm a big advocate of training to muscular failure. There is simply no better way to trigger your body's adaptive responses than to train until your muscles cannot move the weight another inch.

The closer and closer that you can come to muscular failure, the more dramatically your body will respond. This time frame is literally measured in single seconds. If you drop the weights 5-6 seconds earlier than the next guy (the margin is probably even smaller than this), you'll be significantly sacrificing your muscle growth.

So, where did the 60-second time frame come from?

Well, if we assume that you perform 10 total all out sets per workout and have a margin of 6 seconds between success/failure per set, this gives you 60 seconds of total time per workout to either battle through with full effort or to surrender and settle for mediocre results.

It really is true; your bodybuilding success is literally measured by the short, precise moments at the very end of each set and the amount of effort you are willing to exert during this time.

If you can force yourself to train to all out muscular failure, you'll achieve the best results possible. If you drop the weight 3 seconds before muscular failure, your growth will be compromised. If you drop the weight 8 seconds before muscular failure, your growth will be compromised even further.

If we multiply our 60-second figure by my recommended number of 3 workouts per week, this means that your bodybuilding success in the gym will literally be measured by how you choose to handle one short 3 minute long period per week.

I bet you never thought of it this way before!

You must train hard and with full effort at all times. When the weight feels heavy and your muscles ache and burn with discomfort, you must push through and continue until true muscular failure is reached.

If you stop short, even a second short, your gains will be compromised.

Keep this in mind at all times in the gym and you'll experience better results than ever before.

If you want to learn some awesome psychological techniques for breaking through the pain barrier and "mentally numbing" the discomfort associated with hard training, make sure to for details.





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Work Out With More Energy

Everyone works out to look and feel better right? Otherwise, what's the point? So, are you sure you're getting the maximum results from your training session?

Are you working out when your energy is highest, or just when it's convenient to your schedule?

I understand that scheduling can be a bit of a problem in today's world, but if you aren't working out when your personal energy is jumpin' then you may not be getting the maximum benefit from your training routine.

I know a lot of people who drag themselves through a workout first thing in the morning (like bright and early before the sun rises almost). However, these people aren't morning people and they're literally forcing themselves because they feel like they just want to get it over with, off their mind and get on with their day. But their energy is low because it's just not their most energetic time of day. These same people feel a surge of energy at the end of their workday but since their workout is already done, don't bother to take advantage of this surge.

There are many people for whom the complete opposite is true. They have barrels of energy first thing in the morning but feel that the time they have to spare only exists at the end of the workday, at their lunch hour or later in the evening.

Many people feel a huge drain of energy once the sun goes down so trying to work out in the evening in the dark (even in a lit room) can be very difficult. If they'd only worked out when their personal energy level was high, upon waking, they might have found that they can pour a lot more into their efforts and get a much better workout as a result.

I even have one friend that prefers to do her training session at midnight. Sure, she sleeps til 10am, but her energy just isn't there until much later in the evening. So she works out right before bed because that's when she can get her BEST workout done. Be careful with this tactic though, because many people find that a really late workout ramps them up too much to get to sleep afterward.

Personally, I'm not a morning person, but I also find that a workout before the workday starts gets me a good hard energetic training session and also gets me ramped up for a great workday with my brain firing on all cylinders.

So, I sleep a little later, work out mid-morning, and my workday is officially from about 1pm until about 9 or 10pm.

Sure, I've got the luxury of being able to schedule my workday around when my personal energy levels are optimized. I realize not everyone is able to do that. Some people hold jobs that expect them to be there from 9am until 5pm (or whatever shift work might be dictated).

To those people I can only suggest to keep an eye on when your personal energy levels are at their highest, and then adjust your personal schedules around your workday so that you can get your workout in when you can optimize for the most energetic workout possible.

Either. Or get it done after work, if that's when you're feeling the most energy.

If you're a morning person who's been working out at the end of your workday, get up a little earlier so you can get it done before you head to work. If you're an evening person who's been dragging your butt through your workouts first thing in the morning, sleep later, go to work and head to your workout afterwards or later in the evening. It's ok if you stay up a little later, because now you're sleeping later. Right?

Make sure your workout is the best possible by scheduling your time to 'sweat' for when you personally have the most energy, not when some textbook says is the best time. That will ensure you get the most energized workout possible.





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Working With Merchants

Contacting the merchant of your interested program is
an ideal way to increase your sales, which can save
you a lot of time and heartache. Once you contact
the merchant, be sure to let them know what you are
doing to promote their products, and ask for their
advice when it comes to marketing.

The merchant will know the product the best, and
they will have a good idea of the strategies that are
being used by other affiliates to make sales. By
contacting the merchant, you'll also show them that
you are dedicated to succeeding with affiliate

Contacting the merchant also shows your enthusiasm
for marketing their products and services. Any
merchant who knows affiliate marketing also knows
that over 90% of sales are generated by less than
5% of the affiliates. Good merchants recognize your
efforts and provide you with information and resources
and may even boost your commission rates!

Dealing with merchants
If you email a merchant and they don't respond, try
again. If they still aren't responding, you should
think again about continuing the partnership, as a
lack of communication can indicate other problems
as well - such as payment.

Keep in mind that many merchants make big promises,
and set a high payout rate knowing that very few
affiliates will actually meet it. This isn't a
good way to do business, and you should avoid
working with these types of merchants.

When you communicate with merchants, you should
ensure that you use a professional tone. If you
have suggestions of how a merchant can improve their
offers, you should let them know. Many merchants
appreciate feedback, and know that any feedback they
receive can improve their programs.

Wise merchants always understand that good affiliates
are hard to find and will treat them with respect,
assist with resources, and be prompt with payments.
Wise affiliates are the same way, and understand
that merchants want quality promotion and sales

To get the most out of your partnership, you should
always be professional and understanding with your
merchant. Good merchants are always busy, which may
make them seem like they aren't that good. They
will answer your questions and emails, although it
may take them a little bit of time.

The longer you work with a merchant, the more you'll
understand how they do things. If you are just
starting out in affiliate marketing, a merchant
can help you understand how things work. If you
listen to them and show initiative, you'll be
well on your way to making it to the top.






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The 8 Week Diabetes Cure?

For a long time now it has been speculated that type-2 diabetes can be cured by adopting a low calorie diet. This claim has been met by scepticism in many corners, but now we have evidence to prove that it may actually be true. But I'm not so sure it's all cracked up to be…

Scientists from Newcastle University in the UK conducted a two month long study which they believe shows that type-2 does not have to be a life-long illness.

There study involved 11 participants who cut their calorie intake to under 600 calories per day for 2 months. 3 months after the experiment finished, 7 out of the 11 participants were free of diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is caused when there is too much glucose in the blood. Unlike type-1 diabetes, which develops in children when their bodies cannot convert insulin into glucose,  type-2 is very closely linked with obesity. This explains why theorists have suggested that a low calorie diet could cure type-2 diabetes.

Just a week into the study, the pre-breakfast blood sugar levels of the participants had returned to normal. MRI scans taken at this time showed that the fat levels inside their pancreas had also gone back to normal. This means that the pancreas had now regained the ability to make insulin.

One of the participants in the study, who had suffered from diabetes for 6 years, said that 18 months on he still did not need to take his old diabetes tablets.  This is great, but what about the others?

So now the question is, how can a diabetic go about adopting a new low calorie diet plan that could free them of this disease? Going for 600 calories straight away… I don't think so, but you could build up lower calories until you reach your optimum level, and stay there for life. How does that sound?

I'm not saying that if you have diabetes you shouldn't use this 600 calorie method, but I know from my dieters that they are able to sustain their weight loss after my diet and I believe it can be used to reverse diabetes too. Many of them simply reduce their lunch box and breakfast and meal sizes over time. They lose weight, get healthier and have more confidence.

You could just eat a 600 calorie Lunch Box from all day from breakfast to you evening meal but I think there's the way I just described would be more effective, long term.

We need to remember that those on this study would have been working under strict conditions and if you're overweight and have diabetes, the chances of switching and sticking to a very low calorie diet are very slim, especially if you've been a yo-yo dieter in the past. We need to consider so many different variables.

Slow and steady is the key when introducing any new eating habits so that the results can be sustained. I'd bet a fair amount of money that if 1,000 people tried eating 600 calories for 8 weeks and then maintaining a healthy weight, not even 10% would succeed long term because of the psychological and emotional battling that goes on when you restrict yourself for this long.

Low-Calorie Diabetes Diet Plan

As we have seen from the study, the participants restricted their calorie intake to 600 calories per day. So, the way a diabetic can design a new diet plan is to learn about the calorie levels in different kinds of foods and drop their calories down.

With this knowledge, a diabetic can plan their daily meals accordingly and make meals and snacks out of the low calorie foods they enjoy.

Before getting on to what kinds of foods are good to eat on this kind of diet, we need lay the ground-works.  The key to dieting is not just about what you eat, but how you eat.

Eating Schedule

When starting out on a diet, it's important to get a good eating routine going. Rather than just eating 3 large meals a day, it is much better to eat smaller meals, and then have snacks in between (ie from a Lunch Box). As I mentioned earlier, instead of reducing your calories to 600 straight away, you could use The Lunch Box Diet by gradually reducing the box size over time and then reduce the portion size of breakfast and evening meals so you're reducing your calorie intake more steadily. This is how a lot of people have had amazing weight loss results on the plan.

Figuring out a rough time to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day can start a good flow that your body will get used to. Then you can identify the mid-point between these meals when you can have a snack. So if you decide to have breakfast at around 8am each morning, and lunch at 12:30, you can have a snack (or eat from your box) in between at around 10:15am.

Eating in this way is important for all sorts of reasons. It fills your body with energy frequently and keeps you metabolism moving fast. It is especially important to eat this way with a very low-calorie diet, as you are likely to get hungry quite often. Eating more frequently throughout the day will make sure you are less hungry because there will be no large gaps in between your meals.

Knowing About Calories

So after working out a rough eating plan, the next step will be deciding what to eat. To ensure the eating plan stays low, knowledge about the calorie levels in different kinds of foods is needed.

With good knowledge of calorie levels, it becomes easy to design appropriate meals. It can even be a lot of fun to create meals out of the low calorie ingredients that are to your liking.

Low Calorie Foods


To give a brief overview of the calorie levels of some common foods, here is a breakdown of some of the lowest calorie foods:

Under 50 calories (per 3.5oz):

Boiled Beans


Brussel Sprouts


Fat-free yoghurt

Under 100 Calories (per 3.5oz)

Mung Beans

Low-fat Cottage Cheese

Low-fat fromage frais




Under 150 Calories (per 3.5oz)

White fish

Lite Mayo

Boiled Bleached Pasta

Wheat Pasta

Boiled Chick Peas

Long Grain White Rice

Brown Rice


Hopefully this list gives a good idea for what kinds of low-calorie meals can be designed to fit in with this diet.

With knowledge of calorie levels, creating meals can be a lot of fun, and involve a lot of creativity.

There are plenty of options for low calorie breakfasts, lunches and dinners. For breakfast you could enjoy a bagel with fat-free cream cheese, or oatmeal with raisins for less than 200 calories.

A simple tuna, turkey, or smoked chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes can be eaten for lunch at around 240-280 calories, or you'd have your lunch box to nibble on. It's better this way because you're blood sugar levels tend to spike when you're just eating 'lunch'. I try not to think of 'lunch' as lunch and just graze…

A low calorie dinner option could be salmon with a quick serving of brown rice, salad and low calorie salad dressing, or maybe a 2oz whole wheat pasta dish with frozen shrimp, feta cheese and marinara. Perhaps Asian stir-fry containing carrots, broccoli, red pepper and garlic would go down well with little over 300 calories.

For snacks in between meals, a tossed salad, a fruit salad or a slice of raisin bread is unlikely to be over 50 or 60 calories. If you're on the go you could pick up a quick low fat cereal bar or rice cakes to keep you going.

These are just some of countless possible examples of how creative you can be with a diet like this. There are actually lots of low calorie eating options, so there are plenty of possibilities for making meals that contain the foods you like best. Obviously dieting is much easier if you enjoy the food you are eating, so you should focus on including your favourite low calorie foods as often as possible.

If you know all the possibilities available for designing low calorie meals and snacks, adoption this diet can be easy and a lot of fun. The health benefits of having a diet plan like this are vast. As we have seen, some people have been able to cure their diabetes for good by adopting a low calorie diet.

Even if the diabetes doesn't go away, no-one can possibly not be in better health by eating a diet like this. Chances are having diabetes would be easier to cope with anyway, that's if it doesn't get cured all together.





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Workouts for a Busy Gym

Gyms are busy. Too busy. And it is always busiest when you settle in for your TT workout with its awesome fat-blasting supersets.

I know it drives you nuts when you are trying to pair lunges and
presses while someone is taking up valuable workout space chatting or doing some pointless fluff exercise. Why can't they just get out of your way and let you finish your super effective TT workout?

Crowded gyms are such a big problem that I designed the following TT workout that helps you perform my trademark "noncompeting" supersets - the most effective way to lift for fat loss - without letting anyone get in your way. This new version of TT lets you get it done right, even in a busy gym.

The secret to this workout is the pairing of two exercises that can be done at the same bench and often with the same weights. So you won't lose your spot between exercises. Camp out in your little area, work hard, and you'll get lean and lose fat faster than ever.

NOTE: This workout originally ran in Men's Fitness magazine, but I've actually improved the workout just for you! Always looking out for my TurbulenceTraining.com subscribers.

Workout Guidelines

· Workout 3 days per week alternating between workouts A &
B. Rest 1 day between sessions.

· In week 1, you will follow an A, B, A schedule. In week 2, a B, A, B schedule. In week 3, an A, B, A schedule, and in week 4, a B, A, B schedule.

· Each pair of exercises constitutes a "Superset". In each
Superset, do one set of the first exercise followed immediately by the next (1A & 1B) and then repeat.

· Rest 1 minute after completing the exercises in the
Superset (i.e. after 1A & 1B).

· Repeat each Superset until you've completed a total of three sets of each exercise in the pair, then move on to the next

· Use a 2-0-1 lifting tempo for all exercises (except for any holding exercises like the plank). Take 2 seconds to lower the weight, pause briefly, and then take 1 second to lift the weight.

· Finish each workout with stretching for the tight muscle
groups only.

· For full exercise descriptions and photos, see the Turbulence
Training manual.


· If you are limited by time, reduce the number of sets in the workout, but always perform the full warm-up.

· Never skip a warm-up.

o Perform this circuit 2x's using a 2-0-1 tempo:
- 10 reps of bodyweight squats or step-ups
- 20 seconds for the plank
- 8 reps of kneeling pushups or regular pushups
- 10 reps of inverted bodyweight rowing exercise or band pull

- Perform 2 warm-up sets for each exercise in the first Superset.
- 1 set of 8 reps with 50% of the weight you will use in your
"real" sets.
- 1 set of 8 reps with 75% of the weight you will use in your
"real" sets.

Turbulence Training Interval Training Guidelines

· Research has shown that interval training is very effective for fat loss.

· It is recommended that the stationary cycle be used for
interval training because it allows for an easy transition between
work and recovery.

· Finish each interval workout with stretching for the tight
muscle groups only.

Beginner Interval Workout:
· Warm-up for 5-minutes.
· Perform an interval by exercising for 30 seconds at a hard
pace (at a subjective 7/10 level of intensity) - i.e. fast walking.
· Follow that with "active rest" for 90 seconds by exercising at a slow pace (at a subjective 3/10 level of intensity) - i.e. slow walking.
· Repeat for 3-6 interval repetitions. Finish with 5-10 minutes of moderate intensity exercise for a cool-down at a 4/10 level of intensity.

Advanced Interval Workout
· Warm-up for 5-10 minutes.
· Perform an interval by exercising for 30 seconds at a very hard pace (at a subjective 9/10 level of intensity).
· Follow that with "active rest" for 60 seconds by exercising at a slow pace (at a subjective 3/10 level of intensity).
· Repeat for 3-6 interval repetitions. Finish with 5-10 minutes of moderate intensity exercise for a cool-down at a 4/10 level of intensity.

Workout A

1A) Wide-stance Squat (8 reps)
- Set your feet 4-6 inches wider than shoulder width, your toes pointed forward.

- This superset works best if performed in a squat rack that also has a chin-up bar.

1B) Chin-ups (6 reps)
- If this is too hard, perform a Reverse-grip Lat Pulldown.
- Rest 1 minute and then go back to Squats.
- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next

2A) Barbell Step-ups (8 reps per leg)
- Use a step that's high enough so that your knee is bent 90 degrees.
- If you have to use DB's for the step-ups, take an extra 30
seconds rest when going from the step-ups to the rows.

2B) DB or Barbell Row (8 reps)
- Keep your lower back naturally arched.
- Rest 1 minute and then go back to Step-ups.
- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next

3A) Side Plank (5 reps per side)
- Contract and brace your abs for 10 seconds per repetition
while keeping your body in a straight line.

3B) Stability Ball Jackknife (12 reps)
- Rest 30 seconds and then go back to Side Plank.
- Do this Superset 3 times and then go to the Intervals.

Workout B

1A) Low-Incline DB Chest Press (8 reps)
- Set the incline to one notch above the flat-bench position.

1B) DB or Barbell Romanian Deadlift (8 reps)
- Keep your lower back naturally arched for the entire
- Rest 1 minute and then go back to 1A.
- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next

2A) DB Close-grip Chest Press (8 reps)
- Push the dumbbells straight up, not together.

2B) DB Rear-deltoid Lateral Raise (8 reps)
- Keep a tight arch in lower back and lean forward as far as possible.
- Perform this exercise extra slowly so that you don't use
- Rest 1 minute and then go back to 2A.
- Do this Superset 3 times and then move on to the next

3A) Elevated Push-up (12 reps per side)
- Place one hand on a 4-inch step or box and lower your body as
far as possible.

3B) Stability Ball Rollout (15 reps)
- Keep your body in a straight line at all times--don't allow your back to round or bend backward.

Let me know how this workout goes for you and email me your
results. Better yet, take a before and after picture and some measurements to monitor your progress.

If you have any other questions, just let me know.





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Yes, You CAN Gain Muscle & Lose Fat at the Same Time

I have 3 BIG, and I mean BIG fat loss, body changing lessons to
share with you today...


No one believes you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. I say, it's true. Not only do my Turbulence Training workouts prove it, but now science agrees.

Researchers from Purdue University showed men and women (with an average age of 61 - with one subject 80 years old!) were able to lose fat, gain muscle, get stronger, lower LDL cholesterol, and improve blood sugar control with a simple strength workout routine.

36 healthy men and women did strength training three times per week for 12 weeks, doing 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

By the end, the subjects gained an average of four pounds of lean mass and lost over four pounds of fat. This study show's it is possible to gain muscle and lose - at any age.

And you don't need fancy machines or an expensive gym membership, all you need is a professional program, like Turbulence Training, that you can do in the comfort of your own home.


I hear from men all the time who claim to be 6% body fat or less
(which is the level of a professional bodybuilder) but still have a
hard time seeing their abs.

This, by the way, is impossible. Listen, if you really are 6%,
you'll have an 8-pack, and you won't need any advice from me.

The problem is too many men and women believe that handheld body fat analyzers are accurate.

The truth?

Recent research shows these tools underestimate the amount of fat you are carrying on your body by 2.4 kg! That's 5 pounds of fat these handheld machines are neglecting to tell you about!

So don't get too smug with your handheld body fat readings, because it's likely underestimating the amount of fat on your body. Besides, its not about the machine, its about the mirror, how your clothes fit, and about losing the inches from your waist.

Worry about those, not some bogus readout on a machine.

And finally...

Everyone knows you don't burn fat with strength training, right? Wrong! A new study hot off the presses from the prestigous Journal of Applied Physiology showed strength training boosts metabolism by 10% after exercise and increases fat burning by 100%.

In this study, subjects did a standard 3-set strength training
program focusing on multi-muscle exercises and showed just how powerful "Turbulence" is for fat loss...

During strength training, you apply "turbulence" to your muscles, causing an increase in your metabolism and fat burning after the workout. That's how you build muscle and burn fat at the same time.

So forget about the "calorie readout" on the cardio machines. While strength training doesn't burn as many calories as traditional aerobic training during the workout itself, it continues to burn calories AND fat long after your workout.

And that's why you get a better body with Turbulence Training than you do with long, slow, boring, less-effective cardio.

Turbulence Training: Build muscle, burn fat, at the same time.

Get in shape fast with Turbulence Training,


PS - Here are the respective references for those 3 studies...

a) Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Apr;85(4):1005-13.

b) J Appl Physiol 102: 1767-1772, 2007.

c) Hormone Research 2007;68:8-10.

PPS - Cut your workout and enjoy more time OUT of the gym...

"I used to think you needed to spend hours in the gym everyday in order to see results. With the help of CB and TURBULENCE TRAINING, I have reduced my workouts from 2 hours per day, everyday, to 50 minutes every other day. All the while I have trimmed over 60 lbs. of body fat off my now lean and muscular body. Thanks CB!!!"
Rob Vickers





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You're Not A Beginner

… but you're not at an advanced fitness level either. So how do you figure out which program is perfect for you?

Meet 5 foot, 8 inches tall Robert; a stressed out, fifty year old lawyer who had ballooned to a whopping 310 lbs. after years of neglecting his health and diet. But it's not what you might think – Robert hadn't stopped exercising completely.

In fact, according to him he was living a 'semi-active' lifestyle, and it was his arthritis and overly tight muscles that were mostly to blame for his less than stellar exercise commitment.

And so it was pretty clear from Robert's current state that he wasn't going to jump right into one of the more advanced Turbulence Training programs, but he wasn't going to start from scratch either.

Robert needed a resistance program that was not only going to get rid of the fat he'd gained over the years, but do so in a way that wasn't going to aggravate his sore knees and tight muscles.

Now maybe you're not suffering from aching joints or tight muscles like our friend, Robert, but if you haven't worked out in a while, then the best workout program to begin your body transformation is the Turbulence Training Intermediate Level Workout Program.

By combining dumbbell exercises and bodyweight exercises into strategically designed supersets, TT Intermediate will quickly help you build lean muscle, burn body fat, and boost your metabolism without jeopardizing your health.

And unlike a lot of other workout programs out there, TT Intermediate workouts are fun and fast. Remember, Robert was a busy lawyer, so he didn't have 90 minutes a day to work out and do boring, useless cardio each week.

Fortunately, with these Intermediate level workouts you'll not only maximize the little amount of time you actually do spend working out, but you'll love the variety of the exercises, too!

By combining resistance training with short burst interval training exercise, Turbulence Training creates a perfect storm for extreme fat loss.

Yes, despite his aching knees and obese frame, Robert was able to achieve incredible strength gains and significant weight loss in just 45 minutes a day, three times a week on this program.

So if you can spare enough time for three short workouts each week, then you can dramatically transform your body, starting today.





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Dangerous Shortcuts Your Doctor May Be Taking When Measuring Your Blood Pressure

Did you know that your trusted family doctor may be taking a shortcut during your office visits that might be putting your health at risk? I know it sounds hard to believe, but it's true. As a result of trying to squeeze as many appointments as possible into their daily schedules, doctors sometimes skip vital steps during your physical exams.

It starts when you are rushed into the doctor's office and the very first thing they do is take your blood pressure. This actually may be the worst time during your visit to do such a test, because the rushing and hurrying combined with the anxiety of being in a doctor's office to begin with can automatically cause your blood pressure to spike.

In situations like this your blood pressure readings can be
inaccurate or misleading. There are serious health consequences
that can happen to you from a misdiagnosis - in either

For someone with borderline high blood pressure, a false low
reading may delay the necessary precautions to lower it. Untreated high blood pressure can lead to serious heart disease even decades down the road. On the other side of the coin is the scenario that a false high reading is recorded and a patient gets put unnecessarily on medication -- medication they will likely have to take for the rest of their lives. For these reasons, it is
critical that health care providers give accurate blood pressure

There are three areas where improper blood pressure readings can far too easily occur. One is with the procedures used in taking the blood pressure readings. The American Heart Association (AHA) has established guidelines for taking blood pressure readings which involves taking at least 4 different readings and recording which were taken while standing and which while sitting.

Using the cuff, the AHA recommends taking the patient's blood
pressure reading TWICE, once on each arm, while the patient is in a standing position. Then record the average of these two readings.

Next, doctors should take the patient's blood pressure TWICE, once on each arm, while they are sitting and record the average of the two readings. It is advised that the standing blood pressure
numbers be used as a reference only, but the average of sitting
measurement should be used as the most correct reading.

This procedure applies to taking measurements at home or at the
doctor's office. If the technician at your doctor's office does not
follow this procedure, request that they take more readings so that they can get a more accurate assessment. They may be surprised if they have not done this routinely how different the readings can be from one arm to the other or between standing and sitting. Also, ask them to give you a few minutes to relax after arriving at the office. If you can, try to be a little early for the appointment so you can have plenty of time to rest.

The second area where blood pressure readings can be inaccurate is with faulty equipment. Cuffs need to be calibrated periodically to be accurate. Doctor's offices and labs should do this routinely, and you will need to maintain your home system according to the manufacturer's instructions.

If you are buying a cuff for home use, it is a good idea to use a
manual cuff. Few of the automatic blood pressure cuffs on the
market for the general public are very accurate and easily lose
calibration. They tend to give false low readings and a false
sense of healthy blood pressure. The hospital grade automatic
cuffs are much more accurate, but not affordable to the average
person. A manual cuff still gives the most accurate reading. A
moderately priced cuff and stethoscope set can help you stay on top of your blood pressure from home. That is, so long as you know what you are doing.

That brings us to the third area where errors can occur: operator
error. You must learn how to properly use the cuff and listen for a heartbeat. Be sure to get proper training from a qualified health
care professional.

When doing the test at home, operator error often occurs when the cuff is not made tight enough to get a loud enough heart beat. The cuff has to be pumped up to the point that it is just starting to be uncomfortable. Next, make sure you are in a quiet enough space that you can tell when the heart beat is starting and stopping and then take careful note of the gauge's reading.

You can now see just how critical it is that your health care provider gives you an accurate blood pressure reading,
but in this day an age of "assembly line" health care, it doesn't
always happen. To learn even more shocking facts about our modern health care system and to discover easy and natural ways to lower your blood pressure and improve your health,





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You Ain't Squat 'Till You SQUAT!

Simply put, squats are the most difficult, intimidating and painful exercise you could possibly have in your arsenal. They require massive amounts of discipline and willpower to perform correctly.

After you have performed a set of squats to failure, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. They are also a challenging exercise to master from a technical standpoint.

All this aside, squats are one of, if not THE most effective, growth-producing exercises you could possibly include in your workout routine.

They will pack more size and strength onto your lower body than any other exercise out there, and due to their high level of difficulty, they also force your body to release higher amounts of important anabolic hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone. This increased secretion of hormones will pack muscle size onto your entire upper body as well.

In addition, squats cause what is known as a "spillover effect": a strength gain in almost all of your other exercises. When I started squatting to failure, my bench press virtually increased by 20 pounds overnight. If you're looking for serious muscle gains and you don't already squat, you'd better get started.

Quite simply, they really, really work.

Unfortunately, many people have yet to experience the benefits of heavy squatting. It seems that people will come up with just about any excuse they possibly can in order to steer clear form the squat rack.

How many times have you heard the all too common "They're too hard on my knees", or "I heard they stunt your growth." What do I say to that? Nonsense!

If you're in the gym with the goal of maximizing your total body muscle gains, squats are an absolute must.

Proper Squatting Technique

For safety reasons you should always perform your squats in a power rack or cage. This way you can adjust the height at which you clear the bar, and you can drop the bar on the safety pins if you need to bail. The safety pins should be set at just below the depth you are squatting and the J Hooks should be set at about the level of your nipples.

At all times during the squat your head should be pulled back, your chest raised and you should have a slight arch in your lower back. You should always be looking straight ahead, and at no time should you be leaning too far forward, or be looking up or down.

Step up to the bar, placing your hands at about the same width as a bench press. Before clearing the bar, make sure it is placed evenly along your traps. The bar should rest on the lower portion of your traps and across your rear delts. It should almost feel as if the bar is going to roll off your back.

Now that you have cleared the bar, take only as many steps back as necessary. Most squat injuries occur when backing up, so make sure that you only back up as far as you need to. Your feet should be placed about shoulder width apart or slightly wider, and they should point out at a 45-degree angle.

Take a big, deep breath, and make your descent. You should not lower yourself straight down, but rather as if you were sitting in a chair behind you. At all times your knee must remain in line with your feet, and they should never bow in. Lower yourself until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground.

As soon as you have reached the bottom position, rise up immediately. Do not relax in the bottom position! Drive up with your heels and straighten your back as quickly as possible.

Once you are in the upright position again, take another deep breath, and continue the lift until you have completed the desired number of reps.

Final Thoughts

You have all the reason in the world to get into the squat rack, so go ahead and do it. Treat this lift with respect and you'll be shocked at the resulting muscle gains. I would recommend performing your squats once per week, for 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps. Focus on pushing yourself hard on this exercise and continually strive for more weight and more reps.

To learn about more highly effective, growth-producing exercises that you can include in your routine,  Most trainees have no idea how to pick and choose the proper exercises and they dramatically limit their gains as a result.





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You Should NEVER Skip A Workout… Or Should You?

If you want to be successful at anything, discipline and consistency are mandatory.

You've got to be willing to work hard week in and week out, and put forth the effort even on those days when you'd rather stay at home, lie on the couch and relax.

The saying says that "80% of success is showing up", and for the most part I'd say that's true.

Building muscle is no different.

You've got to stay tight to your workout schedule and get yourself into the gym even when it's the last thing on your mind. If you want to gain muscle size and strength as quickly as possible, you should never, ever miss a workout…

Or should you?

Here's the thing…

Yes, consistency is important. Yes, you should be sticking to your workout schedule the vast majority of the time. Yes, simply bailing on the gym out of pure laziness is not acceptable.

However, I would like to bring up a quote from the late Mike Mentzer when he said… "Rituals have nothing to do with science".

What you need to keep in mind is that the human body is an extremely complex biological "machine", and that not every single workout and recovery period is identical.

In other words, just because your schedule states that you must train on days X, Y and Z doesn't necessarily mean that this will always be the optimal pattern every single week of the year.

If you wake up on a training day and your muscles still ache, you feel physically tired and your regular motivation to train just feels like it has been zapped... don't you think your body just might be trying to tell you something?

Why would you force yourself to train in a situation where more recovery time is clearly needed, and when you know that your training performance will be less than optimal? If your body, muscles and mind are clearly still reeling from the previous session, what sense does it make to force yourself to train despite this?

After all, we know that the recovery phase is the ultimate "muscle builder" (the actual process of adding new muscle tissue occurs out of the gym on resting days) and that intense weight training is extremely demanding on the body as a whole…

So why would you deliberately interfere with the very process that transforms your physique in the first place? Why not take an extra 24 hours off and re-enter the gym once you feel physically and mentally ready to do so?

What harm could there possibly be in that?

There is no threat of losing muscle size or strength, as these decreases require 2 or more weeks of inactivity to be set into motion. Yet, there is the perfectly likely reality of a positive gain in the form of proper recovery from the previous workout and improved performance on the following workout.

The underlying key is to listen to your body.

Rituals truly do not have anything to do with science, and if it feels obvious to you that additional rest is needed, take it.

Don't force your body into another battle with the weights if it clearly is not ready to do so. Don't let your ego get in the way; just because some muscle building guru told you to "never skip a workout" doesn't mean that it's always the best approach.

You do have to use this method with caution, though...

If you develop the mindset of only training when you "feel like it", then it's likely that you'll start delaying your workouts and convincing yourself that it's correct to do so when in fact it is not.

There are plenty of times when you won't feel like training purely for psychological reasons rather than concrete physical reasons, and that's not what I'm talking about here.

I'm simply talking about those days where you are able to sense that from a physical standpoint, taking an extra day of rest would be the better course of action.

Just remember... there is no long-term harm in taking an extra day of rest, but there IS the very real and immediate harm of training your body without being fully recovered first.

If in doubt, take the day off!

Want more no B.S muscle-building strategies just like this one?

 In a bodybuilding world full of marketing hype and exaggerations, I cut straight through the lies and give you the no-nonsense truth about what it takes to gain muscle fast.





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Your 3 Fat Loss Mistakes

Let me solve your workout problem.

I know that you are:

- Eating well
- Exercising regularly
- and TICKED OFF that you aren't making progress.

I've answered dozens of emails from new readers that have said exactly that. And after I get more info from them, here are the 3 mistakes commonly made:

1) Your perception of your nutrition "success" doesn't match the
reality of what, when, and how often you are eating. To learn the rules of fat loss, you need to read (scratch that, you need to
STUDY), Dr. Chris Mohr's Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines.

2) There is no variety in your training.

3) You need to up the intensity of your training.

Let's face it. Human beings like to stick to a routine. We don't
like change. We like our comfort zone - some more than others.

But if there is no change in your workout from month to month, then your body will not change either.

That is why I insist on changing your workouts every 4 weeks as you do in the TT workouts.

You won't succeed by doing the same thing over and over again.
Would you get ahead at work by doing the same tasks you did as the first day on your job? No way. You have to take on more challenges.

With variety in your training, you will continue to apply
"turbulence" to the muscle, and making your body use lots of energy (i.e. calories and fat) during the recovery period to repair the muscle and replenish the energy used. That will "jack up" your metabolism.

If your body is used to the training, the exercises, the sets, and
the reps, it will give a "ho-hum" response and your metabolism will flatline.

And that's why you need to raise the intensity of the workout as

Slow, boring cardio doesn't jack up the metabolism like intervals.

And research has shown that 8 reps boost your post-workout
metabolism more than 12 reps. So you have to safely add a little
weight (try using 5% more weight with perfect form, of course), and decreasing the number of reps per set by 2. That's a good place to start.

So if you've been doing a machine circuit, then stop, and give this sample free weight Turbulence Training workout a try.

Warmup with a bodyweight circuit. 8 reps per exercise, go through it twice.

Sample bodyweight circuit:

i) Bodyweight squat
ii) An easy pushup
iii) A bodyweight row if possible, if not, do stick-ups

Then do 20 minutes of total body strength training done in

1a) DB Squat
1b) DB Press

Do each exercise with a weight that allows only 8 reps. Do not rest between the squat and press. Rest 1 minute after the press. Repeat the superset 2 more times.

Next superset:

2a) DB Split Squat
2b) DB Row

Same as above.

On to intervals:

5 minute warmup.

6 intervals of 60 seconds at a "harder than normal cardio pace"
with 60-90 seconds recovery (at the easiest pace possible).

5 minute cooldown.

Stretch tight muscles only.


We don't do slow cardio. It does nothing for the man or woman who is short on time.

And of course, always train safe and don't do anything you are not comfortable doing...but if you are fit and healthy, you can
increase the intensity, change the variables, and burst through
your fat loss plateaus.







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Your Key To Success Awaits...

We all have dreams and desires and I'm sure you do too.
That swanky brand new car...
That multi-million dollar house...
The ability to command respect and envy from our peers...
Having that confidence to go about doing anything in life...
Or just simply having that special partner in life to live
your days with
If you've always been struggling with various aspects of your
Did you know? It has been estimated that we only use about 5%
of our brain consciously. There is simply too much potential
left unlocked within our minds

My friend Greg Frost has been spending years of research in
solving the mysteries of the mind. And he has finally confirmed
his suspicious - that the remaining 95% untapped power of our
minds can actually be unleashed through a variety of ways.

Using this untapped power, you will be able to:

1. Get things done faster and better

2. Eliminate all bad habits and build good ones

3. Develop an amazing memory that you never thought possible

4. Attain financial wealth that will send your friends green
with envy

People are jumping on this new secret, and I would urge you to
take a look today here:
P.S. I honestly don't know how long his revolutionary
system will be available online before it gets taken down.





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Your Affiliate Marketing Guide

Affiliate marketing is something that many webmasters know how to do. They know what it is about, and what it takes to be successful. However, if you are new to the webmaster world, you may just be wondering how you can get into affiliate marketing and making an income on the side for yourself. Doing so is not that complicated, and we have created this guide to get you started.

First of all, lets cover just exactly what affiliate marketing is. Affiliate marketing is when you sell or get leads for someone else's service or product. You are going to find that there are so many people that do this. When a company needs some help making sales, and they allow people to sign up as affiliates, they are willing to pay a commission or a flat rate per lead or sale. Depending on the company, this percentage or flat rate will vary.

Affiliate marketing can be used to make a decent income several ways. You can use a website, a blog, newsletter, email, ads etc. The list goes on and on. However, the most popular form of affiliate marketing is done with a website. When you choose the market that you want to promote, be sure that you choose one that you are some what familiar with. This way you can become an expert on the topic, and everyone will know that you are the king of that market. Once that is done, it is time for a URL. There are many places that you can get your own domain from. Once you have decided where you will purchase that from, choose a URL that has the topic you are selling in the URL for the best results. For example, if you are wanting to market cat food, you wont use a URL that has dog in it. Make sure that everything is all relevant.

Now that you have your market and your URL chosen, you will want to determine the hosting that you will use for your website. You need dependable hosting for the best results. A hosting company that has more up time than down time is best because during the down time, your website will not be accessible. So, get some recommendations from others that have tried a few and use the best that you can find. It is worth it to pay for good hosting.

Once that is done, you are ready to get your affiliate links and website set up so that you can market the most effectively. Determine the amount of money that you want to make, and set up an outline of how you are going to make it. There are so many ways that you can get a website out there to be seen, and you will want to make the best decisions. So, finding out the best ways for you to do this is that is cost effective is a good start.

Learning SEO which is also known as search engine optimization is a great idea. Using SEO to get your site higher in the search engine rankings with keywords will pay off in the end. You can learn it yourself, or you can pay someone to do this part for you. It is up to you. However, you should know that learning and using SEO yourself is time consuming. Hiring an SEO guru might be better for you.

Write articles about the market that you are promoting from your website and submit them to all of the article directories. When you include a back link to the site that you are optimizing that will help you as well with the search engines.

Affiliate marketing is not anything that you can make money with over night. You need to be able to build up and keep adding to your website daily or weekly, and keep it going. You can do it, just don't give up.





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The 80-20 Fat Loss Rule

What is Turbulence Training?

Turbulence training is my method of doing strength training
and interval training in one workout. So that you get in and out of the gym whether it's your home gym or whether it's a commercial gym. You get your workout done in 45 minutes.

We start with a 5-minute bodyweight warm up and then we do strength training for 20 minutes, whether it's bodyweight training or dumbbells. Sometimes we use barbells but most people that I work with train at home so we just use dumbbells and bodyweight exercises - no fancy equipment needed.

Then we finish with 20 minutes of interval training. We are using the most efficient and effective training methods. The stuff that gets you the most results in the least amount of time. So we are not doing long, slow cardio sessions and we're not doing 5 or 6 day per week bodybuilding training programs.

It's like the old business principle - 80% of your results come
from 20% of your efforts - so why do endless amounts of cardio and redundant strength training exercises?

Do only what you need to do and then get out of the gym.

Don't live in the gym,





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9 Easy-To-Make Muscle Building Growth Recipes

Think putting yourself on a muscle building diet has to be a painful process?  Whether your goal is fat loss or muscle building, getting proper nutrition is at least 80% of the game. If you don't have that figured out, you are going to be a long time away from seeing results.

The good news is that your tastebuds don't have to suffer if you don't want them to. There are plenty of ways to get in your proper nutrition while keeping things interesting. If you think gaining muscle means suffering through can of tuna after can of tuna or pounding back a protein shake as fast as humanly possible, you need to think again.

Give one of these recipes a try and you'll be surprised just how easy it is to eat right, achieve your goals and actually ENJOY your food at the same time.

Protein Fudge Nuggets

These are great to take to the gym as a post-workout treat or just for a snack to eat between meals. When you are trying to gain weight many of you really need to packing in the calories so you need calorie dense foods. These chocolate treats have it all. 

8 scoops chocolate protein powder

1 cup oatmeal (can be ground depending on the consistency you'd like)

1/3 cup natural peanut butter

3 tbsp honey

½ cup milk

3 tbsp crushed peanuts

First mix together the protein powder, oatmeal, peanut butter, honey and milk. Form into small balls and then roll in the crushed peanuts to finish.  Note that these can easily be frozen in plastic bags and consumed on a later date.

Nutritional Info (1/10 of the recipe)

234 calories

6.7 grams fat

18 grams carbohydrates

25 grams protein

Pumpkin Pancakes

When you're craving a good home-made pancake breakfast, give these a try. They are filled with slow digesting carbohydrates that will keep your blood sugar steady throughout the morning.

¼ cup oats

1/3 cup canned pumpkin

5 egg whites

1 tbsp ground flax

½ tbsp cinnamon

Splenda to taste

First heat a frying pan until hot and then reduce to medium temperature. After mixing together all the ingredients drop by spoonful onto the plan, flipping when bubbles start to form.

Makes about 5 - 4" pancakes.

Nutritional Info (per recipe)

217 calories

23 grams protein

26 grams carbohydrates

4 grams fat

Protein Jell-O

When you're craving something sweet but are on a very low carb diet, there often is not a lot of options. This recipe is the perfect dessert that will give you plenty of protein and not much else.  Great for those on a very strict diet.

1 package sugar-free Jell-O (any flavour)

1 scoop Syntrax Nectar protein powder (any flavour - to match Jell-O)

Mix 1 cup boiling water with the Jell-O powder then stir in one scoop of the protein powder until dissolved.  Once that's finished, mix in one cup of cold water and allow to set. Serve with low fat Cool Whip if desired.

Blueberry Cookies

Everyone needs a good cookie now and then but not everyone needs the damage to their diet. Luckily with these not only will you be getting a great dose of protein, you will be getting plenty of antioxidants from the blueberries.

2 scoops vanilla protein powder

4 egg whites

½ cup oats

1 cup blueberries

First combine all three ingredients so they are blended well. Then mix in blueberries and drop by the spoonful onto a greased cookie sheet.  Bake at 375 degree Celsius for approximately thirteen minutes.  Makes 10 cookies.

Nutritional Info (per cookie)

54 calories

6.5 grams protein

0.7 grams fat

5.5 grams carbs

Intramuscular Buffering Capacity

Finally, the last adaptation that's seen with sprint training is the buffering capacity of the muscle. During glycoglysis, various byproducts are created such as lactic acid, and when these accumulate, it causes the extreme feelings of fatigue in the muscle tissues.

This then forces you to stop exercising as the fatigue sets in and often will be the end of your workout.

Overtime, sprint training will increase your ability to buffer these byproducts so that you can then workout for a longer period of time while maintaining that intensity.

So, next time you're debating about whether to do a sprint training session or a moderate paced cardio session lasting for 40 minutes or so, opt for the sprint session.

The benefits you'll receive are far more numerous and fat loss will be kicked up a notch as an added benefit. Keep in mind that for these type of benefits to occur, you want your sprints to last somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 seconds to 40 seconds, with a work to rest ration of about 1:2. Repeat this process a total of 6 to 8 times and begin and end with a five minute warm-up and cool-down.





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9 Killer Ways To Gain Muscle Naturally

Today I want to share with you some quality advice on how to gain weight. Now I caution you that this is for the really skinny guy looking to really gain weight because they barely have any meat on their bones. I know what it is like when you feel like you eat all the time and have nothing to show for it. I have been there. I also understand the feelings that you feel when people start to resent you because you can eat whatever you want and not ever gain a pound. They don't realize that to skinny guys, this is a curse more than it is a blessing at times.

However I also despise people saying that they have 'tried everything but nothing works'. This is the biggest lie that you need to stop telling yourself. You may have tried a couple of things but trust me, you just haven't tried the right things yet. Here are 9 tips that will help you to start to gain weigh in no time at all. These are tips I have personally used and I guarantee they will work for you.

Here are my top 9 Tips to Gain Weight:

#1 Train Under an Hour

You should be keeping whichever program you are doing to no more than 1 hour of duration. Be sure that you are focusing on keeping the intensity high rather than making the workout drag on. There have been countless studies on how nasty things happen in your hormonal state after training hard for more than an hour. Plus, when trying to gain weight, we want to work out harder rather than longer.

#2 Make Eating a Habit

Listen, I know in the beginning of this post I was sympathetic to your problem, but I am also here to say, Suck It UP. I can tell you that to gain weight, you need to focus on making your meals a habit rather than an afterthought. Your body is pre-programmed with your genetic disposition. And in your case, you have a very fast metabolism that digests and burns calories quickly.

So even though you might eat 3 meals a day, and they may be high calorie meals, your body is going to burn through these very quickly. Instead focus on having 5-6 meals a day spaced 2-3 hours apart so that your body is constantly being provided with something to metabolize and build muscle.

#3 Stop Relying on Supplements

I have been in your shoes, and I can't count how many times I have fallen prey to the supplement industry. You have to understand, a supplement is exactly as the name implies...A SUPPLEMENT. It is not going to make or break your gains in the gym. The majority of supplements being marketed to hardgainers looking to gain weight are focused on increasing water weight instead of muscle which after you come off the supplement, your weight will drop again. The only supplements I recommend are protein powder and perhaps some Gatorade after workouts.

#4 Take It Easy

As naturally skinny guys, you have to stop moving around so much. It's just a part of who you are, but you might fidget or move around a lot in the day. Learn to relax a bit more and try to limit activity outside of the gym as much as possible when outside of the gym so that your energy is put forth to good use.

#5 Understand Caloric Surplus

This is another thing I am very tired of hearing. 'No matter what I do or what I eat, I can't gain weight'. I have heard this countless times and I am here to tell you that you are dead wrong. That's OK, because I actually said the same thing until I realized the truth.

Most people think they are eating lots and you just may be. But no matter what you are eating, if you are not gaining, you are not eating enough. Most times, you should re-evaluate your diet as well and focus on more calorie dense foods. But you need to eat more if you are not gaining.

Also, when changing your body composition, you will need to 'force' things a little bit. Your body doesn't want to change and it doesn't care to gain weight. You need to 'coax' it along and yes at times it may be a little uncomfortable.

#6 Focus on Progression

As mentioned above, your workouts should really be under an hour if even that. But the main take home principle is to make sure you are progressing at a workout. It's so simply yet so many people screw it up. They put in more volume and more until their workouts are at about 2 hours.

Now some things to work for a while and you may see some results. But if you want to gain weight, you're better off focusing on progressing in either the number of reps or an increase in weight lifted within your main program. Just like overeating, this too will be tough and require you to PUSH yourself to the limits.

#7 Change Rep Range Every 3-4 weeks

Unless you are making great gains and progressing like nobody's business, I would suggest changing the rep range every 3-4 weeks to avoid plateaus. Changing the rep range will make your body adapt to the new stress causing you to gain weight in the form of muscle. This is a much better tactic than adding more sets and more work in your routine.

#8 Hit the Buffet

Remember, this is for the extreme skinny guy...But I want you to start hitting a buffet once a week. Try and position this eating frenzy after a hard workout so that the majority of calories get shuttled into the muscles which will really help you pack on those pounds and gain weight in the right places. Don't go too overboard, but this will train your body to 'accept' more food and it will increase your appetite in the days to come. Take advantage of this strategy.

#9 Consider a Mass Gainer

I know I bashed the supplement industry, but the truth is, if you really cannot eat any more whole foods (which is the better option) you could consider a mass gainer. A mass gainer is basically calories in the form of a shake. So instead of having rice veggies and chicken, you could replace with a shake.

These are another option for between meals. But make sure you have three meals of real food and no more than three of these gainer shakes. Better yet, make your own shakes with fruits and protein powder. Much better option. OK, so start putting these tips into action and you should be sure to start go gain weight in no time at all.

Good luck with your muscle gaining goals!





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A Bodybuilder’s Most Valuable Vitamin: Are You Getting Enough?

Everybody knows that consuming sufficient amounts of vitamins through their diet is an important way to maintain overall health and to keep the muscle building and fat burning processes functioning optimally.

If you are deficient in just a single vitamin, it can potentially have negative effects on literally thousands of different processes within your body.

While every individual vitamin plays an important role in the overall picture, there is one that definitely stands out among the rest... especially when it comes to the specific needs of a hard training bodybuilder.

I'm talking about the water-soluble Vitamin C; the one vitamin that no serious lifter should be short on.

Here are 6 ways in which sufficient Vitamin C intake will benefit you both in and out of the gym…

1) It is a powerful antioxidant.

When oxygen combines with other compounds as a result of intense exercise and natural bodily processes, it can form what are known as "free radicals". Free radicals are metabolic waste products that attack cells, mutate cell membranes and that have also been linked with many diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

Antioxidants battle against free radicals by either preventing their formation in the first place, or by latching on and neutralizing their effects. Through its effects as an antioxidant, Vitamin C protects the body from free radical damage.

2) It suppresses cortisol production.

Cortisol is a powerful catabolic hormone that is triggered as a result of stress, both from your workouts and from everyday life. Cortisol stimulates the breakdown of muscle tissue for use as energy, increases fat storage (particularly in the abdominal area), impairs nutrient transport into the muscles and inhibits muscle recovery in between workouts.

Vitamin C appears to have a measurable impact on reducing cortisol secretion in the body.

3) It assists in the formation of steroid hormones.

One of the major limiting factors that determines how much muscle a person can build is their natural anabolic hormone levels. Vitamin C assists in the formation of these hormones.

4) It enhances the absorption of iron.

Iron is what allows oxygen to bind to hemoglobin in the blood, which is then delivered to the muscles to enhance performance. Low iron levels will decrease the amount of weight you are able to lift in the gym and how long you are able to maintain a high level of intensity during your workouts.

5) It increases the integrity of the immune system.

Those following an intense training program should always be concerned with keeping their immune system functioning at optimal levels. This will help you to prevent sickness and to maintain top levels of performance throughout the week.

6) It reduces muscle soreness.

When taken close to workouts, Vitamin C has been shown to reduce muscle soreness in the days following a training session. While this doesn't really have any direct positive physiological implications, it can be beneficial for those who would prefer to eliminate that deep aching that is usually felt in the muscles following a hard workout.

It should be clear by now that consuming adequate amounts of Vitamin C each day is an important part of maximizing the results from your program, whether your goal is to build muscle or to burn fat.

The recommend daily allowance for Vitamin C is just 60mg, however, this is a guideline set out for average everyday individuals and not for hard training athletes. Those who are following an intense muscle building and/or fat burning program will obviously require far higher amounts.

On the flipside, there are those who recommend taking "mega doses" of Vitamin C. Although Vitamin C is water-soluble (meaning the body can simply flush out an excess through the sweat and urine), mega-dosing is not natural to our biochemistry and could possibly interrupt other important bodily functions.

All things considered, I would recommend consuming Vitamin C in supplemental form in the range of 500mg-1500mg daily, spread out over 2-3 doses.

Try taking one dose in the morning, and another with your pre-workout meal. Most multivitamins will contain a small dose of Vitamin C in the range of 50-200mg, so purchasing a separate Vitamin C supplement is usually the best way to go.

You can also bump up your daily Vitamin C intake by increasing your consumption of natural foods such as tomatoes, apples, oranges and red/green peppers.

While you probably aren't going to notice any immediate effects to your bottom line progress as a simple result of Vitamin C supplementation, it still can and should be part of an effective overall plan that will maximize your results over the long term.

If you want to gain access to more highly effective muscle building tips just like this, make sure to You can read all about my hugely popular natural bodybuilding program, "The Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System", and read my unbiased reviews on all of the top muscle building supplements available today.





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A Critical Bodybuilding Truth: No Journey Is Perfect

I'm a perfectionist.

When I want something done, I want it done right. I want to pour all of my focused effort into it until it's perfect and without flaws.

When something goes wrong, I get frustrated. I'll still be willing to work hard at it, but when things don't go exactly as planned it can drive me crazy.

After years and years of serious and consistent training in the gym, I've realized that this way of thinking can be disastrous for a natural bodybuilder.

If you're serious about achieving a strong, muscular physique, leave your perfectionist attitude at the door. Perfectionism does not exist in bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is not a project that you work hard on for a set amount of time, finish, and then sit back and admire.

Bodybuilding is an ongoing, lifelong process filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks, peaks and recessions. You're never finished working. There is no point B. It takes hard, focused effort to build muscle, and it takes hard, focused effort to maintain it.

Hard work in the gym and dedication to your eating plan is a continual price you must pay in exchange for the dream body you want to build or maintain.

So if you're getting ready to begin a bodybuilding program or have been training for some time now, you must sit back and make some realizations about your awaiting/continuing journey.

You must realize that no journey is perfect.

If you're expecting to eat and train consistently without any problems or setbacks, you're in for a huge disappointment. Those who expect perfection from their programs are doomed for frustration, because a perfect program does not exist.

This is one of the fine lines that separates the champions from the wannabes; the line that separates those who experience long term success from those who die and fall off along the way. You must treat your setbacks as an inevitable part of the entire muscle-building process.

Sometimes you'll be at your peak and will be marching your way to new grounds of success, and other times your progress will be receding and moving backwards because of various factors, many of which will be beyond your control.

All kinds of bumps in the road will present themselves along the way…

There will be times when you catch a cold or flu and lose 10 pounds.

There will be times when you go on vacation and have limited access to a gym or to proper bodybuilding foods.

There will be times where you are struck down with an injury and will have to take time away from the gym.

There will be times where you skip meals.

There will be times where you skip workouts.

There will be times when you give in to temptations that will harm your bodybuilding progress.

There will be times when your motivation dips down and you'll question your entire purpose and whether or not the whole bodybuilding thing is even worth it.

This is the reality of it all, and as a serious natural bodybuilder for many years I can say with certainty that all of the above scenarios have presented themselves to me on many, many occasions.

The difference between a successful bodybuilder and an unsuccessful one is in the way that they handle adversity.

Both your progress and motivation will rise and fall along the way, but will you make a stand and accept these swings for what they are, and continue training hard despite them? Or will you piss and pout and toss in the towel when things don't go your way?

You must accept that no journey is perfect. You are a human being, and you will make blunders along the way.

Whether or not you choose to accept and implement this way of thinking will make the difference between long term success and failure.

Successful lifters get thrown into holes and dig themselves out. Unsuccessful lifters get discouraged and remain buried.

After years and years of training, I've seen more people come and go in the gym than I could possibly begin to count. But despite this, I'm still here.

Will you be?

If you've got what it takes to make a stand and take control of your body,  I'll teach you exactly how you can accomplish this as quickly and efficiently as possible using a simple, step-by-step system I've devised over many years of successful training in the gym.





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The Belly Fat - Stress Connection

Most people look at body fat as an enemy and they should to a certain extent. However, in understanding how to beat belly fat, it helps to understand the genetically engineered reasons that we store body fat the way we do and the differences between modern life and the way our ancestors lived. It all started with simple survival. Without the ability to easily store fat some of us would not even be here on this earth today, so thank your ancestors for improving the hardiness of your family's gene pool and keeping you in the mix.

Despite fat's value in the evolutionary scheme of things, excess belly fat can cause many problems and I'm not talking about whether you can tie your shoelaces. Belly fat - which refers largely to visceral fat, not just the subcutaneous fat below your skin - has been associated in recent years with all kinds of health problems ranging from heart disease, to strokes to diabetes. Fat can be cosmetically frustrating, but belly fat can also be deadly.

Gender is one factor that affects where you store your fat. Men store most of it in their belly, while women store more fat in their hips and thighs. Women store body fat in the lower body because of childbirth and hormonal reasons. After menopause when hormones change women also tend to begin storing more fat in the abdominal region.



But why does the fat go there so quickly and easily?

Why doesn't it just even itself out all across the body rather than concentrating in one unsightly area? And why do we get belly fat in the first place? Obviously, the first reason is caloric excess. That is always true in males and in females, so before you start pointing your finger at genetics, gender, hormones, adrenergic receptors or anything else, look at how much you're eating every day first.

At the risk of continuing to state the obvious, the second reason is not enough exercise. In today's modern technologically advanced society, we do not work like our grandparents did, and our waistlines show it. I also believe that in our society today, we are much more stressed out than our ancestors were. Sure, there were fight or flight situations in the natural environment which we no longer have today, but those occasional natural phenomena have now been replaced by continuous daily stress from our regular daily workload. Combine that with the reduced exercise and increased portion sizes and availability of food, and could this be a third reason for belly fat?

Experts argue about whether stress "causes" fat, but there is no question that stress correlates highly with fat and it creates a situation - both environmentally and hormonally - that is highly conducive to increasing fat. Because of the nature of stress hormones such as cortisol, combined with metabolic syndrome, excess insulin and insulin resistance that is the common result of sedentary lifestyle combined with refined foods, the caloric surplus is stored as visceral body fat and our bellies begin to bulge.

More and More Research Is Proving the Connection

More and more research is starting to explain, scientifically, how high levels of stress ultimately lead to increased body fat. In a paper published in the journal Hormonal Metabolic Research (Kyrou July 2007) Greek researchers said that stress may affect the thyroid by inhibiting the enzymatic conversion of T4 into the biologically active form, T3. They also noted that while stress causes a generalized catabolic state, the extended action of the glucocorticoids on the metabolic pathways eventually leads to increased visceral body fat accumulation and insulin resistance. In fact, numerous researchers now point at central obesity as the distinguishing factor in metabolic syndrome.

So although we may not be able to say that "stress causes belly fat" literally, there is very clearly a strong association between the two. How are your stress levels? What does your diet look like? How does your exercise regimen stack up? How does you belly look? Add high stress levels onto a sedentary lifestyle with an excess of calories and you have a textbook formula for gaining belly fat.

The belly fat, in turn can lead to more health problems than you ever thought. "Hundreds of studies have led to the conclusion that any fat can be problematic," said obesity expert Jeffrey S Flier, MD, "But it's much, much more dangerous when it's accumulated in the abdomen.," He added that pound for pound, fat that builds up in the abdomen is much more likely to cause diabetes and heart disease. His research is published in the Dec. 7 issue of Science.

Flier and his colleagues looked at a stress hormone called cortisol - the "fight or flight" hormone that kicks in during stressful situations. When the body produces excess cortisol, it tends to cause a build-up of belly fat.

So what do we do about all this?

In addition to the usual prescription of eat less and exercise more, it looks like we have to add something else: reduce stress… Relax and enjoy life. Stop worrying and start taking care of yourself. Consider taking up meditation. In light of the recent evidence about the stress-belly fat connection, this no longer seems like a "new agey" type of thing to do. Even of 5-10 minutes of breathing exercises daily could work wonders.

Many people are failing to reach their fat reduction goals because they have not considered the possible effect of stress on their weight as well as their health. This is one of the reasons I included a stress relief course along with my Flatten Your Abs Program.

When you combine the calorie deficit from nutrition with muscle building exercises, fat burning exercises AND stress relief exercises (which in my course include yoga and mind body relaxation techniques of Tai Chi And Qigong), you may very well have the most complete approach to a flat stomach that has ever been created.

You can learn more about the Firm And Flatten Your Abs program as well as the bonus courses, including the stress relievers program on the home page at:





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Deadly Bodybuilding Myths You Don't Know Part 1

There are so many unproven bodybuilding myths that are still around us. Would you believe me if I said you are being scammed out of 90% of the muscle growth you should be getting because you have been mislead and misinformed by one or all of these deadly bodybuilding myths. Here are the first three of six bodybuilding myths that must be dispelled!

Bodybuilding Myth #1

Train like a bodybuilder to become a bodybuilder.

This is the message screamed by the bodybuilding world. While this mantra may have inspired millions via popular bodybuilding magazines, it has also mislead millions by re-printing and rehashing irresponsible training nonsense that will wreak havoc on your body and make you just another one of the herd.

Imitating the training of the 'champion' bodybuilder is one of the most costly frauds in the exercise world because the 'instruction' from elite bodybuilders has no practical relevance for average people like you and me who are without gifted genetic potential and are drug-free.

The traditional 5-7 day splits, 5 exercises per muscle, 24 set chest routine is training suicide for the average trainee not spending a couple thousand dollars a week on special 'vitamins'. Not only are these magazines useless but they will cause injuries, over-training, and illness. The books and magazines will not tell you that the drugs and genetics were responsible for curing their problem of being a hard gainer. Supplements, 'better training', and more dedication are their 'secrets' so you are told.

Bodybuilding Myth #2

Train for the 'holy' pump.

The 'muscle pump' is described as putting your muscles under an extended period of constant tension. As your muscles stretch and contract they become gorged with blood which makes them feel tighter and fuller.

Getting a muscle pump is not necessarily what causes the muscle to grow – doing 100 reps with a light rep will create a huge pump – but does this make a muscle grow? Of course not! Distance runners get a pump in their legs when they sprint uphill. Do they get big muscles? Heck no!

Most bodybuilders swear by the 'pump' and preach that you are shuttling more nutrients into the muscle – but is that what is really happening? Sure it feels great, like Arnold says in the unforgettable scene in Pumping Iron, but all that is occurring is a 'back-up' of blood. The blood is 'stuck' inside the muscle, which creates that worshiped tight and full look.

The blood that's backed up into the muscle has hit a dead end and has nowhere to go. If you had fresh new blood that would be great, but unfortunately you just have old, stale blood getting ready for a snooze. That will not help you gain weight or build muscle mass!

The pump that is built up by the blood in your muscles will usually occur after you repeat set after set, which results in the famous "burning" sensation known as lactic acid. Lactic acid forms in the absence of oxygen. Lactic acid is a WASTE product and does nothing to build muscle weight.

Now if you are lifting extremely heavy weights and achieving a pump then this is a very good indication that you are making the muscle fibers work fully. I would only use the pump as an indicator to reveal how well you are 'targeting' the working muscle. Not as you guide to mark your success.

Bodybuilding Myth #3

You MUST train until failure.

Training to 'failure' has probably received more debate, misinterpretation, and improper logic resulting in too much wasted effort. Going to failure– going to the point in a set where you are physically incapable of going just one more rep, hence you 'fail' - is preached as the most promised way to make continuous muscle gains. Interestingly, there is no activity outside the gym that demonstrates this 'going to failure' principle is as critical as bodybuilders have employed.

Growing up as a long distance runner I often stood by and watched the sprinters compete, and was astonished by their tremendous quadriceps and hamstring muscle. Yet I never remember watching any sprinter on my team train until failure, nor do I recall them ever sprinting through the finish line and collapsing. Yet they demonstrated a greater amount of muscular work in less time each time they practiced and raced.

Also, I will never forget the phenomenal muscularity of the construction workers I used to work with when I laid bricks and framed houses. Yet I never recall them carrying timber around the yard until they could not pick up one more 2 x 4. Nor do I remember the bricklayers moving the bricks around until they could not move them anymore. Both of these groups had incredible muscularity and were able to stimulate muscle growth without going to failure. So why do so many command that 'failure' is an absolute law for stimulating muscle growth when much evidence shows otherwise?

Improving your body's sensitivity to the cold does not require you to go outside in the middle of winter with no clothes on prior to passing out. If you want to improve your tan, it isn't necessary to subject your skin to the sun prior to the moment of blistering. If you want to improve your ability to hold your breath under water, do you need to go to the point just prior to losing consciousness?

Since your body's primary function in life is to survive it will adapt only to the point where your body has sufficient defense to whatever element it is exposed. Similarly, when lifting weights your body will adapt to the intensity you have exposed it to over time while maintaining your recovery resources. As you can see, muscle growth stimulation operates on the same principle and does not require over killing your muscles' absolute limit.





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